

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Although this picture is blurry. & taken with my iPhone. It has so much meaning to me. My little one got on her knees and started rocking back and forth. She loves taking steps when we hold her hands and walks all around. BUT this was all by herself and it shocked me! We have hard wood floors so I barely ever (unless I move the coffee table so she can lay on the rug) let her down on the ground. We play on my bed and at other people's houses on their carpeted floors. & to admit that I was the one excited for the hardwood floors. Oh well. We are moving soon. Like in 12 days. Oh yeah and then again three weeks later.

siena blog

That was a much easier way to tell all of you that our lives are soon changing drastically!
More details to come in the coming days, weeks, and months.

Because of Him,