
First Baby Movement!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My wonderful husband had a beautiful banner hanging up in our kitchen congratulating me on being a wonderful mama. I know some of you think well... maybe next year? However, this baby is real and I am going through the months of its tiny little parts forming... so I think that saying I am a mama is a true statement.

THE coolest part of all of this is that yesterday I was really trying to concentrate on my body and see if I felt anything different... and I did. A teeny tiny movement. Today was a hard day at work so I spent the last hour in my dark room reading my new Real Simple. Ever since I have felt these little tiny movements that I have NEVER felt before... So they say that right around 17weeks and on it is possible to feel your baby... it is the most precious, insane thing I have ever felt!

This one is at 14 weeks and I really thought I was showing... HAHA

This one is just last night :) I think you can see a difference!

Here is the amazing sign!

1 comment:

  1. I just realized (from Facebook) that you have a blog! Very exciting :) I added you to my blog roll :)
